Thursday, March 3, 2016

Emoji on shell prompt

Hey, are you bored with your text terminal..

so here is mine

💻  :t sanjeev.tripurari 👍 $ date
Thu Mar  3 15:23:34 IST 2016
💻  :t sanjeev.tripurari 👍 $ who am i
sanjeev.tripurari ttys003  Mar  2 10:59 

💻  :t sanjeev.tripurari 👍 $ 

you see the emoji's you can also have them and there are lots around, just check if your terminal supports

if you get..

 echo; echo -e "\xF0\x9F\x91\x8D"; echo; echo


then you are on the way pick one of your choice, ignore other echo; this is the one
echo -e "\xF0\x9F\x91\x8D"

if you get 👍  then pick  for yourself, remember to pick utf8 hex codes